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    Exciting Collection of Oral Histories Donated

    By Janice Dilg Who knew?  Judge Robert E. Jones, of course, knew of a collection of oral histories he had helped create, but it wasn’t until a recent meeting with the judge that he made this treasure trove known to me and the US District Court of Oregon Historical Society.  During the 1980s, Judge Jones created the nonprofit Oregon Court Historical Preservation Society for the purpose of collecting oral histories of justices of the Oregon Supreme Court and judges of the Oregon Court of Appeals. While he conducted some of the interviews himself, many were done by other parties during the 1980s and early 1990s. This exciting collection includes narrators…

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    Portraits of Oregon Magistrates Unveiled

    By Nell Brown Family, friends, and colleagues of Magistrate Judges Janice M. Stewart and Dennis J. Hubel gathered on April 14, 2016, in the 16th-floor ceremonial courtroom of the Hatfield Courthouse for the unveiling of two judicial portraits.  Chief Judge Michael W. Mosman welcomed the crowd that included a gallery of active and retired judges of the Ninth Circuit, District Court, and Bankruptcy Court while Judges Stewart and Hubel sat with their families before two veiled portraits.  Judge Mosman noted Judge Stewart’s work with the pro bono panel and Judge Hubel’s work with the Historical Society, describing both judges as the “epitome of judging,” “incredibly hard working,” and “skilled truth…